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indo western sherwani

“And when someone apologizes to you enough times for things they'll never stop doing, I think it's FEARLESS to stop believing them. It's FEARLESS to say "you're NOT sorry" and walk away.”

iOS Development

i need more authentic information mobile privacy using ios platform


Favorite post having such an fantastic and useful informative content. describing good blogging concepts as well as basics that are very much useful in skilled content writing as well.


Eli, I'm so sorry I missed your preesntation! I'm a school librarian and didn't peruse the CLA offerings as closely as I should have, because this is a topic of great interest to me both personally and professionally. In reading your blog a little more I was also interested to see that you recently heard Nicholas Carr speak I read his book this summer and it had a profound effect on me. I love technology as much as the next person, and love to teach kids about it, but there's this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that our society is on a path with potentially disastrous consequences. Privacy is a huge issue, of course, but I'm also just wondering about the risks to deep and sustained thinking in this age of short attention. I'll be interested to explore the links in your preesntation. Thanks for posting it.


I think that as you pointed out, there really are not a whole lot of resources available when it comes to ensuring the privacy of users online.

The technology for sharing information has taken off, but technology for blocking access to that information has not moved along at the same rate.

Thus, there are users on the cloud who find that some of their information is not as secure as they would like it to be.

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